Alex + Ada Volume 01

Alex + Ada Volume 01

“It’s complicated, what makes a person. I think… part of it is experiences- whether you seek them out or they come to you- and your reactions to them.”

In this new season of Storied Arcs, Mike and Alex jump back into the world of robots and androids and artificial intelligence as they begin their deep dive into Sarah Vaughn and Jonathan Luna’s sci-fi love story, Alex + Ada Volume 1 (issues #1-5) from Image Comics. They discuss what they find different about this specific AI/robot story that sets it aside from some of the other, more well-established takes on the topic, and what landed for them in this opening story arc. They also debate some of things that may have worked less well for them, like the pacing of the story, before taking a look at perhaps the most divisive part of the comic, Luna’s artwork (spoiler alert- taste in artwork is totally subjective and completely dependent on the person viewing it; crazy, I know).

Thanks for joining us for the start of our discussion of Alex + Ada. The conversation continues next week as we dive into Volume 2 (issues #6-10) so go read it wherever you get your comics and we’ll see you then!

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